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The Four Keys to Your Best Decade Ever: Beauty

The Four Keys to Your Best Decade Ever: Beauty

Posted by Starner Styles on Jan 16th 2020

This one will positively improve your self-care routine and take care of the planet at the same time. Rummage through drawer and handbags for used-up cosmetic pots, scrub ‘em up, and hit the pantry!

Lip Scrub

Lips are one of the first places we see dehydration and they need extra special attention. Most ladies I talk to are completely surprised that their lip balm is doing more harm than good. Seriously, go into your bag and grab your tube… Now read the ingredients… Go ahead, I’ll wait… Ok. Now look at the fine print. Is alcohol on the list? Most of them have alcohol. So while your lips feel soothed and moisturized initially, you find yourself digging out that tube again and again. You’ve probably even got two in the car, one in your Kate Spade, a handful tucked away at work, one on the nightstand, and a few forgotten ones in the junk drawer. You’re addicted because they are actually drying out your skin with each use.

This DIY recipe will be a tried-and-true favorite of yours very soon, I just know it!

DIY Happy Lip Scrub


2 tbsp of cane sugar

1 tsp of honey


You may leave the cane sugar as is, however, if you have extra sensitive skin, pulse the sugar in your blender for a few seconds so the granules are much smaller. When your sugar is ready, pour into a small bowl, mix with the honey, then transfer to a condiment container (or if you happen to have a leftover lip scrub tin or lip balm pot, by all means, upcycle that, please!).

Wide Awake Shower Body Scrub

This one is for the morning-shower-people! A little caffeine even before you put the kettle on is just what you need to embrace the new day. Scrubs are a more intense treatment and any good esthetician or dermatologist will recommend doing a scrub only once maaaayyybe twice a week. (Always ask your healthcare provider before starting any new skincare routine for best practices and safety!) It removes dead skin, prevents and soothes itchiness in colder months and brightens your skin. The recipe I’m sharing today even includes a natural moisturizer.


1 cup of ground coffee

1 cup of cane sugar

½ cup of coconut oil (the kind that is solid at room temperature)


Silicon mold of your favorite shape (honeycomb, pineapple, fancy monogrammed bar) or silicon ice cube tray.


Mix in a large bowl the ground coffee and cane sugar. Melt the coconut oil in a microwave-safe bowl, heating at 10-second intervals with stirring in between until the oil is liquid. Pour the liquid oil into the sugar and coffee mixture and combine well.

Pour carefully or use a piping bag to distribute the scrub mix into your ice cube tray or molds. Refrigerate approximately 2 hours or until the oil has completely set.

Coconut oil melts at around 76 degrees Fahrenheit, so unless you keep your home fairly cool, leave the scrub in the fridge. If your home is cooler than 76 degrees, drop the molds in a large mason jar and place it in a pretty spot on your shower shelf!

Brightening Face Mask

Ok, ok… this one isn’t a scrub technically speaking. But after a gentle exfoliating, a soothing and hydrating mask is just what the doctor ordered. This one is only two ingredients and you’ve got them in your kitchen right now!

Mix thoroughly in a savable container.


¼ cup of local honey

½ cup of plain greek yogurt


Before applying, you may opt to warm this up. Try 10-second pulses in the microwave.

Warning: Do not apply directly from microwave to the skin as the mask may be hot and cause burns.

After 10 seconds, remove, stir and test the mixture carefully for the level of heat. If it is to your desired temperature, then apply with either your fingers or your clean cosmetic brush.

Leave on for 10 minutes. (This is where you pop into the kitchen to heat up the water for tea or grab your favorite infused water and relax for a bit.) Remove with a clean cloth and warm water.

Both the yogurt and the honey are hydrating to the skin but the honey also provides some antibacterial properties. This is great to do 3-5 times a week, if desired.

Final Thoughts

Remember to drink lots of water. Your skin looks younger and healthier when we are hydrated. Enjoy all these natural products and let us know which one is your favorite!