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Build your dream Fall: Ultimate Fall Bucket List

Build your dream Fall: Ultimate Fall Bucket List

Posted by Starner Styles on Nov 3rd 2019

We’ve pulled together our favorite cool-weather activities, treats, and goodies. Because we believe in less is more, we are not recommended you try to accomplish everything listed here. Under no circumstances should you look at this exhaustive list and think “challenge accepted” (unless that really and truly would make you happy; then you do you, boo!) Instead, look over the list and select a few things you can add to make this is most special, magical, and best Fall season ever! We want you to cherry-pick your faves!

And then take a photo of you enjoying and share your moment on your Instagram story with the hashtag “livinmybestfall" and tag us @StarnerStyles. We’ll be so happy to see you and share it again on our Stories.


  • Apple cider
  • Drinking chocolate (yes, that’s different than hot cocoa)
  • PSL (that's Pumpkin Spice Latte, for you non-Starbucks goers)


  • Hayride
  • Costume party
  • Favorite book-themed party
  • Corn maze
  • Pumpkin carving
  • Pumpkin painting

Giving back

  • Make a family-style dish for a co-worker or friend
  • Pay for next person’s coffee order
  • Take a walk with friends and pick up trash along the way
  • Give a compliment to someone

Make it Hygge 

(pronounced: HOO-gah: a central ideology of the Danish way of life that places the state of being inviting, cozy, and happy as the primary goal)

  • Spend time in candlelight
  • Unplugged evenings. No TV, no phone. Just warm blankets and cozy socks.
  • Friends. Make time to spend with the people you love the most.
  • Invest in some delicious dinners you’ll enjoy eating and eating the leftovers, too!

Fall is one of our favorite times of the year. There is something beautiful about the changing of the season, the way the cold air brings us all a bit closer together, and all the yummy treats that somehow appear on the kitchen counter. As this list we curated can attest, there are so many things you can participate in, so it becomes important to protect your “yeses.” This means that you are saying yes to only the things, activities, people, purchases, and so on that truly light you up. Don’t say yes to something that you’re going to be regretting later. Take the opportunity to select a few things from the list you will love doing and look back on come next season and say “I wish I could do that again!”