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How to Start Fresh with Your Wardrobe

How to Start Fresh with Your Wardrobe

Posted by Starner Styles on Jun 15th 2020

It’s like getting a haircut after a breakup. It means a “hard stop” on something and a “go for launch” on something new and different. Decluttering is the number one way to simplify your life, have more peace of mind. We are sharing why you want some soothing minimalism in your life.

You can choose anywhere to start. Your kitchen pantry, your shed, your phone apps, or (even better, we think) your closet!

How much time do you waste putting on outfit after outfit, your rejects piling up on your bed, until you finally settle? How many times a week do you declare “I have nothing to wear”?

We’ve all been there. Mountains of clothes and the last fizzling sputters of inspirations. Look, there they go… Out the window…

The Mental Health Benefit to Purging Your Closet

Too Many Things Creates Overwhelm

We have too many things, which leads to overwhelm and decision fatigue. (We have a whole post on this phenomenon as it relates to your closet: check it out here.)  As you’re trying to take more responsibility over your life, you’re finding methods and hacks that help. You may even have Pinterest boards dedicated to Minimalism, Simplifying, Hygge, Marie Kondo, Capsule Wardrobes, and so on.

All of these are great, and if you’re unfamiliar with anything mentioned above, go have some fun on Pinterest! (Full Permission Slip granted!) I know you know this... It’s one thing to curate a Board and another to actually layer in some change.

You can choose to hit the restart button anytime you’d like and it is always best to start with a deep purge. Clear out all the unnecessary, superfluous stuff. Keep what you need. With essentials and things you adore, you’re in for an uplifting and motivation start to the day.

How to Simplify Your Morning Routine

Purge and Edit to Start Fresh

You likely have your own system for purging, donating, and editing your things. There are a million and a half posts out there on it, so I’m not going to waste any time with something you could easily search.

What is important about an edit is the Psychology behind it.

Holding onto the Past Prolongs Sadness

Any nostalgic person can tell you exactly why they’ve held on to that movie ticket stub from 17 years ago. It’s for the memories, right? Well, clothes are no different. They hold the ghosts of days past, too. But that isn’t always sunshine and roses. We can hold onto things that carry pain and regret, shame and embarrassment. But we keep them because in some way, they carry a benefit… A connection to a happy moment, a person no longer with us.

Release and Receive

Get rid of it. You don’t need the negativity clouding up your energy. It’s amazing the lift you’ll feel when you look at your closet and all you see are the things that light you up, without any baggage attached.

Its refreshing, uplifting, expansive, and best of all fun to get ready in the morning.

The Peace of Mind of a Minimalist Closet